
Tim Miller, AIDS and the Definition of Art

I found your selection of the politically radical performing “artist” Miller to grace the cover of Calendar hard to believe. I have always thought that that coveted space was reserved for artists who have broad appeal, who have accomplished something significant and, most important, who have placed the quality of their work as being of the utmost importance.

Miller has exhibited none of these attributes. I wondered if I was looking at the Village Voice, for certainly this was not a story worthy of the “capital of the entertainment industry.”

Did you actually sit around in a meeting and agree to do a cover story on a person who has no screenplay credits, no albums, no books, no concert performances, no mainstream theater credits and no movies coming out, but has only managed to get a paltry $8,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts?


Did you say to one another: “Now here’s a guy who during his act simulates intercourse with a huge plywood cutout of California and who stated that ‘quality is not necessarily my biggest concern’ ”?

What responsible journalist would consider this something L.A. would believe merits a cover story? I’m afraid your political agenda is showing.


