
Duarte Residents Express Their Civic Pride

We are the Duarte Youth Athletic Club, a nonprofit, fully self-supporting youth sports organization that was founded in the early ‘50s by a group of World War II Duarte veterans.

Our purpose is to provide the youth of our community with a positive avenue in which to channel their energies, in a sports program that is available to all of Duarte’s children regardless of social-economic background. We repeat we are fully self-supported by league fund-raisers, United Way contributions and the donations of our sponsors, and have no political or financial ties with the Duarte city government.

Many of us who live in the foothill communities and are on well-water systems also experienced the (pinhole) leak problems.


The city did address the issue, held meetings with the water company and the citizens who had been affected and it was determined that an excess of carbon dioxide in the well water was causing the leaks. We did not then, nor do we now, feel that it was the city of Duarte’s responsibility or fault.

Mr. Desens’ other complaints concerning improved security at his condo complex should have been addressed to the Temple City Sheriff’s Station as they are responsible for law enforcement to our city.



Duarte Youth Athletic Club
