
Duarte Residents Express Their Civic Pride

The headline “Duarte’s Government Neglects Residents” (Times, Dec. 8) was based on one letter to the editor written by a man who apparently lived in Duarte for less than two years.

It is not my intent to respond to the letter. However, I do wish to question the standards of journalistic professionalism exercised by your editors in its presentation.

Did this letter warrant a large drawing of City Hall and a bold headline which appeared to present fact, not opinion?


I would prefer to see this space filled with articles about the hundreds of hard-working volunteers who spend countless hours making Duarte a better place to live, or perhaps an outline of the many innovative programs instituted in our city over the past few years.

Duarte isn’t perfect, nor is its government. But most residents will agree (as reflected in the last election) that our city is facing its problems and making an effort to achieve better living conditions.

Our city is not above criticism, and residents should feel free to ask that their legitimate complaints be heard. But the newspaper, as a professional entity, should be fair and unbiased in its presentation of such complaints, presenting them as opinion and not fact.




Editor’s Note: The headline should have indicated that it was the opinion of the letter writer.
