
Duarte Residents Express Their Civic Pride

I was amused that a former resident of the city of Duarte could be viewed as such an expert on the city government when he had only lived in the city for less than two years.

Your choice of headlines: “Duarte’s Government Neglects Residents” and your caption under the picture of the City Hall: “Duarte officials are accused of ignoring residents’ everyday problems” was irresponsible journalism.

I have lived in Duarte since 1978 and have seen the good and the bad. Hundreds of homes, condominiums, and apartments along with new commercial and industrial projects were built. This has allowed many middle-class families to live and work in Duarte.


The positive ramifications are tremendous. The schools have improved and the community spirit is a lot higher than 13 years ago. The current leadership has continued the good direction that began years ago.

The city began to deal with the pinhole leak problem back in 1980. Many meetings have been held and some progress has been made. The city brought together representatives of Cal-Am Water, the developers and citizens groups.

The problem still has not been solved, but it has certainly not been ignored by the city.


