
Duarte Residents Express Their Civic Pride

Immediately I think of Thornton Wilder’s classic play, “Our Town” and of its stage manager who introduces the piece by saying, “Well, I’d better show you how our town lies . . . “

For (the letter writer’s) benefit, I would like to cite abundant evidence of how our town really is concerned for its people.

Led by our Town Hall officials, programs have been scheduled that address Earthquake Preparedness, Youth Issues (including Drug and Gang Forums), Family Wilderness Adventure Days, Capital Improvements and Economic Development Plans, Victory Concert honoring returning Gulf troops, Healthy City Participation, Wellness Guide Distribution, Cooperation with Church & Clergy Assn.


And what have been the results? Duarte was selected as one of 30 All-American Cities and this past year received the top award for Excellence in Administration by vote of the League of California Cities.

So this is the real Duarte, our town, of which we are very proud. The trouble is, you really didn’t take time to look us over--just like some of the characters in Thornton Wilder’s play!

You didn’t look at the record of our City Council and its excellent mayors, including, and very particularly, the contributions of our present mayor, Ginny Joyce. Instead, all you saw was a pinhole plumbing leak!



