
Applause for Christmas Decor at Fashion Island

It was with extreme pleasure that I read your article describing the new and progressive Christmas decorating which has been used to promote shopping and to celebrate the holidays at Newport Beach’s Fashion Island (“New Holiday Decor Gets Mixed Reviews,” Nov. 29).

As an avid supporter of environmentally aware groups, I applaud the decision of Mr. Brad Helgeson and the mall’s board of directors to spare a 110-year-old tree for their Christmas decor in favor of smaller and more environmentally friendly reusable trees and shrubs.

For some merchants to think that the absence of a giant dead spruce will hurt their business this season is to project a recession-caused slowdown onto a simplistic and unjustified reason for it. To still attract 10,000 interested shoppers to the traditional tree-lighting ceremony (in spite of the absent tree) is a marketing success involving lowered prices and special activities, not evergreen decor.

This year, we all must take a hard look at how we are to spend our earned dollars, and each of us must do what we can to help out in matters related to ecology. By taking a positive step in an environmental direction, Fashion Island will get my business, and as long as the board of directors can stand up to unfounded fears and archaic opposition, I believe they will continue to be supported by all members of an informed shopping community. In the dim light of a continuing recession, the trend introduced by this mall is a welcome and much-needed change.


RICHARD S. HILTON, Laguna Niguel
