
ZIP Code Outcasts

The real victims of the latest Postal Service shuffling of communities and ZIP codes are the “Orphans of Northridge”--those who live in the area bordered by Balboa Boulevard on the west, Bull Creek on the east, Lassen Street on the north and Roscoe Boulevard on the south.

This has always been Northridge. Our legal address is Northridge. But for some reason, when the ZIP codes were introduced in 1963, we were sliced off from our community and told we must use another community name and ZIP code in order to have our mail delivered.

That decision was a wrong then and it remains wrong today.

We want the Postal Service to deliver our mail from the Northridge Post Office and assign us a Northridge ZIP code.


We have had wonderful support from Councilman Hal Bernson and Rep. Elton Gallegly, but so far nothing has been done.

In the meantime we can knuckle under and use the other community name, or we can use Northridge and our mail gets lost, returned or delayed.

Officials stated that it would not be reasonable to grant our request because they would have to reprint a directory, reassign some employees and reprogram computers.


My, My.

DOYLE MANOR, Northridge
