
Instant Potting Soil

A new soil substitute called EZ Soil is now available that makes it possible to create the equivalent of a small bag of potting soil from a single small 8-ounce box of nine compressed soil wafers.

When water is added to these wafers, each one expands and fills a four-inch pot with ready-to-use potting soil.

The soil is composed of compressed peat moss, composted rice hulls and super-absorbent polymer granules. The polymer granules absorb many times their weight in water and reduce the need for frequent irrigation.


Each box of wafers has a chart that determines the number of wafers required for various sizes of containers.

EZ Soil is now available at nurseries and garden centers. For more information about this product contact the EZ Soil Co., Dept. A-200 Route 3, Box 176, Idabel, Okla. 74745; phone (405) 286-9447.

Mosquito Repellent

A new genetically engineered plant that repels mosquitoes will soon be available in Southern California.


The plant, called Citrosa, is a cross between a grass called Grass of China and an African geranium. The grass produces citronella oil which has long been used as an insect repellent. The African geranium has the ability to release the citronella oil into the atmosphere. The Citrosa plant has been shown to repel mosquitoes within an area of approximately 100 square feet.

The plants are ideal for containers that may be placed in rooms or patio areas. The Citrosa plants are attractive and emit a refreshing lemon fragrance.

They grow up to five feet in height, with an oval, shrub-like plant habit. The plants are damaged by cool weather; patio plants have to be moved into a sheltered area when temperatures go below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. The plants also require an area that receives only a few hours of direct sunlight per day.


The Citrosa plants have recently been certified for sale in California and should soon be available at some area nurseries. More information about the plants may be obtained from Austerica/Griffith, P.O. Box 639, Plymouth, Fla. 32768; phone (800) 888-6149.

Rare Fruit Growers

One can grow a fascinating array of rare and unusual fruits in our unique climatic zone. Home orchardists and others interested in growing some of the more exotic fruits such as cherimoyas, tropical guavas, litchi, mangoes, feijoas, papayas, etc., will benefit from a membership in the California Rare Fruit Growers organization.

This organization has various local chapters that feature meetings, field trips, demonstration gardens, plant sales and lending libraries. In addition, members receive the “Fruit Gardener,” a bimonthly magazine that contains fascinating articles on growing rare fruits.

The annual membership dues for the California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. are $16. For more information write to the organization at the Fullerton Arboretum, California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, Calif. 92634.
