
The Demise of Pan Am

Will someone please explain to me again how “getting government off the back of business” by deregulation will provide great benefits to me, the consumer?

What I see, as Pan American Airways ceases operation forever (“Pan Am Ceases Operations After 64 Years in Sky,” Dec. 5), as far as I can tell, is the loss of one of the best airlines this country has ever produced. I see a reduction in competition with only one or two dominant airlines remaining. I see reductions in routes and schedules with outright elimination of a greater number of destinations. I see a great decrease in service. I see a great increase in aggravation as it takes longer to get anywhere with the interim stops and connections that hub-and-spoke operations demand. I see greatly increased fares and decreased amenities to the point that food, restroom facilities, passenger space and everything good that was promised by the Jet Age is reduced to a level comparable to what I understand it to have been on transcontinental stagecoaches of the 1800s.

Pan Am was a jewel for our nation. I have enjoyed many flights to many beautiful destinations, which will always remain highlights of my life. Pan Am through its people was dedicated to excellence. They were the best in personnel, service, equipment and dedication by any measure. They deserved better from us. I will miss them. My solution to this injustice is simple. I will never again fly on commercial airlines willingly or for pleasure.


RUDOLPH H. COOK, Granada Hills
