
NEWPORT BEACH : City Survey to Look at Use of Open Space

Soon after the holiday season winds down, Newport Beach residents will be surveyed to gauge opinion on development and open space, including the possible city purchase of 135 acres from the Irvine Co.

About 400 residents will be interviewed for the poll, which will start after Jan. 1 and continue until Feb. 7.

“The only thing we have to go on are polls that have been taken in other cities,” Councilwoman Jean H. Watt said. “There’s every reason to believe people would like to preserve open space, it’s just a matter of how much it’ll cost each household.”


The poll is expected to ask general questions on development and open space and will also attempt to determine the type and amount of taxes residents would be willing to pay to buy the Irvine Co. property.

At issue specifically are two Irvine Co. parcels--the Upper Castaways and Newporter North. The two sites are among the remaining holdings the company has in the city that have been slated for development.

The company has said it will sell the properties for fair market value if the city wants them to remain undeveloped. The city has been conducting an assessment study to determine the value of the two properties.


Other potential city parklands may also be included in the poll.

The City Council last week approved $20,000 for the study, which will be conducted by Nelson Communications.
