
David Duke

In response to “Duke Will Run Against Bush in Primaries,” Dec. 5:

The German people, in a twisted and tragic way, gave a gift to the world in this century, to be hopefully cherished for future centuries to come: the case study of Hitler and the rise and fall of the Third Reich.

Plastic surgery can never hide what David Duke really stands for, and for anybody to believe otherwise for a second is to look the other way and disregard the lies and deceptions, just as the Germans did up until the last elections in 1933. Then it was a little late.

Hitler didn’t start out as the monster he would go down as in history. Hitler could only succeed because the public and certainly the press ignored the warning signals for too long, or wanted to. All one knew in 1945 one could have known in 1933, or 1923.


Duke’s announcing of his candidacy (a deception in itself if one remembers his pronouncements just days prior to the Louisiana election) should be Day One for America to get serious. We can basically thank the black voters of Louisiana for keeping him out of the statehouse. But one can never start early enough to prevent the White House from becoming the brown house.

