
Trial Ordered for Suspect in Slaying

A 63-year-old man was ordered Monday to stand trial for the 1986 strangulation of a woman whose death was investigated by the Metropolitan Homicide Task Force.

Elmer Lee Nance, a drifter who lived in San Diego, was also ordered to stand trial on two rape charges involving the victim, Nancy White, 22, of Orange County.

White was last seen alive near her disabled car Aug. 27, 1986, at a map stop on Interstate 8 east of Lake Jennings Park Road.


Witnesses at a preliminary hearing said Nance admitted talking to White at the freeway stop.

Her partly decomposed nude body was discovered Sept. 1, 1986, near Batiquitos Lagoon in Carlsbad.

Nance was arrested in September in Barstow after an investigation by the Metropolitan Homicide Task Force, which has been studying the deaths of 44 women and one man whose bodies have been dumped in either East or North County.


San Diego Municipal Judge John Thompson set a trial date of Jan. 3 in Superior Court.

Nance, who has pleaded not guilty, remains in County Jail in lieu of $2-million bail.
