
State Budget Deficit

I read that furloughs for state workers are now the talk of the town. It seems like those good old boys in the Legislature and our governor spent most of the year tiptoeing around the budget like it was a dead skunk in the road. These birds now want state employees to help them solve their budget headache by volunteering for furloughs and pay cuts. Of course, none of our brave leaders in Sacramento have offered to take similar reductions in their paychecks. It’s kind of like Winston Churchill saying to the folk in London that he expected “blood, sweat, and tears” from them, but planned to be out of town during the Blitz. Or Lord Nelson watching the Battle of Trafalgar from a dock.

The last election for this bunch took only a few months, but it’s going to take years to clean up the financial disaster they have made. But, seriously folks, please don’t lose confidence in the ability of the governor and legislators to solve the state’s budget problem. After all, it was their ignorance that got them into the current mess.


