
Newport Schools OK Smoking Ban

Smoking will be prohibited in school buildings and buses in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District under a policy adopted by school trustees.

Saying that the use of tobacco products is hazardous, the trustees became the latest county school board to adopt a policy of smoke-free schools.

The board “recognizes that tobacco use represents a health and safety hazard which can have serious consequences for the smoker and nonsmoker alike,” the policy states. “Therefore . . . all district buildings and vehicles shall be designated as tobacco-free.”


The new rules will allow smoking during school hours only outside of schoolrooms and vehicles that are also out of students’ view.

Additionally, the district will post no-smoking signs at the main entrances to buildings used in the district. It will also offer employees a list of community services that offer assistance, such as counseling to quit smoking.

The board also pledged continued support for anti-tobacco education in district schools.
