
Henson Leaving Hollywood Park

Rick Henson, general manager of Hollywood Park, is leaving the track to take a similar position with the Woodlands, a horse-greyhound track in Kansas City, Kan.

R.D. Hubbard, chief executive officer of Hollywood Park, also operates the Woodlands.

Rick Baedeker, who has been general manager of the Woodlands, is joining Hollywood Park as vice president of marketing. Baedeker previously worked in California racing, being associated with a family newsletter and tip sheet and serving as co-host of a television program.

Blake Cumbers, who had headed the marketing department at Hollywood Park, now becomes the track’s vice president for gaming development.


Henson was general manager at Ruidoso Downs, another Hubbard property in New Mexico, before arriving at Hollywood Park last March.

A Hollywood Park spokesman said that Henson’s job at the track has not been filled.
