
Venice’s SPARC Sets Dance to ‘Free La Frida’

The Social and Public Art Resource Center of Venice is hosting a “Fridam Dance” with a Frida Kahlo look-alike contest on Friday at 8:30 p.m.

Music will be provided by the Mark Salerno Trio featuring guitarist-vocalist Salerno, drummer Chuck Sparks and bassist Bernie Lenhoff.

The evening’s theme is “Free La Frida,” and resource center members and supporters will perform a “rite of exorcism to liberate the spirit of (the) Mexican artist from the entangling snare of capitalist commercialism.”


Prizes will be awarded for the most original costume, and for the best resemblance to Kahlo or one of her lovers. A sale of handmade crafts and artist-made holiday items will also be held.

The dance is being held to celebrate the closing of “Encuentro: Invasion of the Americas and the Making of the Mestizo,” the resource center’s exhibition, as well as the windup of the citywide “Artes de Mexico” festival.

Tickets are $10. Information: (310) 822-9560.
