
Settlement Reached in Oceanside Civic Center Dispute : Building: The city resolves its case with Taylor Woodrow, the contractor blamed for leaking ceilings, a flawed exterior finish and other problems in the complex.


A settlement was reached Wednesday in a longstanding dispute between Oceanside and a building contractor over $2.1 million in purported construction defects at the city’s new $33-million Civic Center.

The City Council, meeting in a private session, approved a settlement with Taylor Woodrow Construction California Ltd., the contractor blamed for leaking ceilings, a flawed exterior finish, cracked walkways and other problems at the 133,000-square-foot civic complex.

“We have agreed to a settlement,” said Mayor Larry Bagley, who, like other city officials and Taylor Woodrow representatives, wouldn’t reveal details of the settlement until it is formally signed.


Following the council’s action, Denis MacDaid, president of Irvine-based Taylor Woodrow, issued a statement that said, “We are pleased to have resolved the differences with the city.”

“The settlement is a fair resolution of outstanding issues arising from this complex construction project,” he said.

The agreement avoids litigation the city had threatened against Taylor Woodrow, which won an $18-million contract in 1988 to build the unique Moorish-style complex containing a library, City Hall, community meeting room, council chambers and parking.


Earlier this year, Oceanside’s city staff claimed Taylor Woodrow “has failed to satisfy its contractual obligations” to repair the Civic Center. As a result, the city withheld a nearly $800,000 final payment to the contractor.

The city presented a list of 25 items that needed repair, including $644,000 to fix the streaked exterior finish, $472,000 for poorly fitted doors, and $197,000 for roof repairs. Cost for repairs totaled $2.1 million.

Further, the city claimed it was owned an additional $900,000 in damages because of Taylor Woodrow’s alleged actions.


For its part, Taylor Woodrow said subcontractors and the architect were responsible for much of the problem. Taylor Woodrow lodged $5 million in claims against the city.

After Wednesday’s settlement, everybody was tight-lipped about monetary aspects of the accord.

Deputy City Atty. Frank Balistrieri said details weren’t being disclosed because the settlement “is still in the nature of a confidential communique.”

It wasn’t revealed whether the city had agreed to make the $800,000 final payment to Taylor Woodrow, or the status of the contractor’s claims against Oceanside.

However, some city officials did indicate that part of the agreement involves completing repairs to various parts of the complex.

“There’s work to be done,” said city Public Services Director Glenn Prentice. “This agreement resolves all the work.”
