
La Canada Flintridge : Council OKs Trash Plan

After months of deliberation, the City Council Monday unanimously approved a trash-reduction plan to meet state regulations calling for landfill refuse to be cut 25% by 1995 and 50% by 2000.

Beginning Jan. 1, the Source Reduction and Recycling Element will promote waste reduction, separate collection of yard clippings and recycling in schools.

Goals for 1993 include recycling in the commercial sector, establishing mobile drop-off sites, recycling of targeted materials, and diverting construction and demolition wastes from landfills.


The program will be paid for with a fee of 10% on the gross revenue of the city’s two garbage collectors. Officials assume haulers will pass those costs on to homeowners at an estimated increase of 10% over current quarterly charges. Costs are expected to vary, depending upon services provided households and businesses, according to Mindy Jacobs, public works assistant.
