
CHANNEL ISLANDS : Fishing Boat Sinks at Harbor Mooring

Miss Sophie, a 65-foot commercial fishing boat and Channel Islands Harbor landmark, sank Wednesday night while moored, Coast Guard Petty Officer Roy Cosselmon said.

The boat, owned by fisherman Richard Kroener of Ojai, will probably be pulled from the 12-foot-deep harbor by a private company today, Cosselmon said. Kroener was out on another boat by San Miguel Island when his boat sank, and he was unreachable by telephone.

The Channel Islands Harbor Patrol answered the initial call that the boat was listing but asked for the Coast Guard’s help at 6:30 p.m., Cosselmon said.


“They couldn’t keep up with the flooding, he said.

Gregory Blocker and Micki O’Rourke, who live on a motor yacht in the harbor, said they helped the Coast Guard and harbor patrol contain the boat’s fuel so it would not pollute the harbor.
