
PORT HUENEME : Effect of RV Park Minimal, Study Says

An environmental study presented to the Port Hueneme City Council found no significant problems would be caused by a recreational-vehicle resort that city officials propose building on the beach.

Environmental Science Associates of San Francisco, which conducted the study, said the primary effect of the resort that could accommodate 143 vehicles, would be an impairment of views for surrounding condominium residents.

“There are no surprises in the environmental impact report,” said Thomas Figg, community development director. “It dismisses issues that were largely exaggerated.”


Neighboring residents have attacked the $2-million municipal project on a variety of environmental grounds, including the effect on nearby bird-nesting areas and a potential increase in traffic and noise.

The public will have 45 days to respond to the study, which was presented to the City Council last Wednesday. The Planning Commission will review the proposal in March, and the City Council is scheduled to vote in April.

If the council signs off on the project, it then goes to the State Lands Commission and the California Coastal Commission, both of which maintain jurisdiction. The city is disputing the land commission’s jurisdiction in the matter.
