
Gov. Wilson’s Welfare Reforms

I am appalled by Gov. Pete Wilson’s proposal to cut welfare benefits. AFDC benefits are already inhumanely low. The amount of assistance for a family of three is 30% below the poverty line.

Last year’s cuts have already hurt people. As a case advocate working for Harbor Interfaith Shelter, I have witnessed many people being evicted because their income after the cuts would not cover the cost of rent. More and more people are seeking help at organizations like ours because they cannot afford to live with these cuts. California’s housing costs are the highest in the nation. Cutting already sub-poverty welfare grants will only make more families homeless.

Unemployment in California has reached almost 10%. Most able-bodied parents receiving AFDC are working, but in this economy cannot earn enough to support themselves and their children.


California can balance its budget without hurting poor people. The governor’s strategy just preys on the prejudices and misconceptions people have about poverty and welfare.

