
Tree Study Criticized; Researcher Defends It

Here we go again with man’s war on nature. I refuse to believe the research done on trees polluting “just like cars and power plants” (“Smog Check Your Trees,” Nov. 24). It sounds like a reason for developers to cut down trees in order to build so that we don’t have more killer polluting trees around.

Our planet is dying--species are dying now. Scientists and writers should be telling us how to live in alternative ways rather than suggesting that we cut down trees in order to stop pollution. Trees take in carbon dioxide which animals and humans emit and give off oxygen which animals and humans take in. We work together and are all part of the web of life.

Don’t castigate trees when humans are the worst polluters of the planet and are slowly committing suicide because of our greed for money and our denial that nature is dying and so, therefore, are we.



Long Beach
