
CAL STATE NORTHRIDGE : Fall, 1992, Admissions Still Open

Although undergraduate admission in certain majors has closed, Cal State Northridge is still accepting applications for the fall, 1992, semester, university officials said.

“We want to be sure prospective students realize that they can still apply for the fall semester,” said Lorraine Newlon, director of admissions and records. “However, because admissions may close at any time, students should act quickly.”

Undergraduate admissions for business administration, economics and physical therapy majors closed Nov. 30, Newlon said, but applications are being accepted in all other categories.


Tentatively, applications will be taken until the university has 8,000 new freshmen applicants, 6,780 transfer students and 3,700 new graduate students, said CSUN spokeswoman Kaine Thompson.

The university expects to maintain its current enrollment of about 31,000 students. However, Thompson said, these figures may change when the amount of state funds the university will receive next year is known.
