
Family Offers Reward for Information on Killer

The family of a 63-year-old Echo Park man who was murdered in his home last May said Monday they are offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of his killer.

Daniel Limon, a carwash manager, was found shot to death during an apparent robbery in the house he shared with a female companion in the 1500 block of Allison Avenue, Los Angeles police said. Detectives said there was no sign of forced entry, leading them to believe that Limon may have allowed the suspect into the house.

A gold watch was taken, but officers said they have no other clues. Limon, who was not married and had no children, was described by family members as a gentle man with no enemies. “A gold watch for somebody’s life is a lousy trade,” said his nephew, 23-year-old Emiliano Limon.
