
European Conservatives

In response to “Signs of the Beast in Europe,” by George Black (Column Left, Dec. 16):

Certain statements made by Black are not only inaccurate but inflammatory as well, and cannot go unchallenged. Obviously, Black has not done his homework. In his attempt to liken Franjo Tudjman with the likes of Slobodan Milosevic he demeans Croatia’s honest attempts at democracy and freedom.

If any minority group has anything to fear from a “Holocaust revisionist,” it is the Jews. Yet, the Jewish community within Croatia has given its full support to Tudjman and his government. Furthermore, it is deplorable that Black lays the blame for all Yugoslav war victims at Croatia’s feet. According to the official reconstruction of war victims which was carried out in 1964, there were approximately 600,000 victims of all nationalities (including Croatian) within Yugoslavia. Interestingly, this census was kept secret until 1989.

The subject at hand is a serious one. It is unfortunate that Black uses anti-Croatian propaganda to make his point.



Office of Croatian Affairs

South San Francisco
