
SIMI VALLEY : Group Opposes Planned Restaurant

A Simi Valley citizens group said it will appeal a Planning Commission decision to approve a McDonald’s Corp. proposal to build a restaurant at the east end of the city.

Members of Citizens for a Safe and Scenic Simi Valley issued a press release this week stating that they oppose the restaurant because its presence will increase traffic, litter and noise in what is now a quiet residential neighborhood. They said they plan to appeal the commission’s decision to the City Council.

No one from the group was available for comment Thursday.

The commission voted Dec. 18 to approve the building of a 4,680-square-foot restaurant on Yosemite Avenue just north of the Simi Valley Freeway. About 100 people turned out for the commission hearing, with about two dozen residents speaking against the proposed restaurant.


The Neighborhood Council that represents the area previously voted to oppose the project, said council member James Frascatore. He said the council had the same concerns as the citizens group regarding traffic and noise. Frascatore said the council also was concerned about a 25-foot-high sign that McDonald’s is proposing to erect.

McDonald’s officials have said that the project is well-planned and will benefit the city by creating dozens of new jobs and generating as much as $200,000 in annual sales tax revenue for the city.
