
The recession hasn’t hurt sales of one...

The recession hasn’t hurt sales of one item: The bankruptcy kit.

But Wolcotts, the venerable stationery store in downtown L.A., only sells the kit the old-fashioned way. How do you think it’s stayed in business for almost 100 years?

For crazed holiday shoppers, the Miracle on Melrose is a story guaranteed to bring a tear to the eye.

It began about 5:45 Christmas evening in Hollywood when a dozen or so people congregated outside the upscale Pavilions grocery store, savagely caroling, “We want the manager! We want the manager!” They were angry that a security guard wouldn’t allow them to enter the store, which closes at 6.


A passerby shouted helpfully: “Run him over--it’s only one guy.”

One shopper demanded to know the address of Pavilions’ corporate offices. Another announced loudly that he was going to phone local television stations. (Would “The Troubleshooter” be arriving momentarily?)

Suddenly, what to the shoppers’ wondering eyes should appear but an assistant manager, who said frostily: “If you only want a few items and you can make it quick, we’ll let you in.”

Then, away she did walk. Nobody cared that she forgot to add: “And to all a good night.”

List of the Day:

Like “What Bird Did That?”--the guide to windshield splats that was reviewed here recently--a big seller of the county Natural History Museum’s bookstore is “How They Do It.”


After seeing some of the chapter titles in this sex manual of the animal world, we’re surprised that the gift shop hasn’t been picketed. Examples:

1. “Porcupines: Very Carefully”

2. “Octopuses: An Arm and a Leg”

3. “Salamanders: I Never Even Touched Her!”

4. “Lobsters: Roll Me Over”

5. “Bats: Sleep, Fair Lady”

And, finally, there’s the chapter titled, “The Hell You Say!” It’s about rhinoceroses.

The criteria of ManWatchers Inc., an L.A. group that issues an annual “10 Most Watchable Men” list, constitute further proof of how passe sexist notions have finally been discarded, thank goodness.

“The 90s man must have good manners and communication skills,” the group says. “He not only cares about the planet and what’s happening, but he contributes his time and energy. Talent, accomplishment and concern for others are as important (as) physical appearance and charisma.”


And here are the reasons listed by the group for selecting actor Armand Assante as a watchable:

“Sexy. Macho. Fascinating accent. To die for!”

Part of the fun of each film retrospective held by the AMC Century 14 Theaters is picking out the big, misspelled, names advertised in its flyers.

The fall series, for instance, listed movies starring Yvetta Mimieux, Nataliw Wood and Claude Raws , among others.

Now it’s time for the winter festival, which boasts such luminaries as Jack Lemon , Martin Scorcese and Jack Hayley . Claude Raws appears this time under his correct name, Claude Rains, oddly enough.

And that’s it from Only in L.A., your sexy, macho, column with a fascinating accent to die for.


The grand marshal of the 1960 Tournament of Roses Parade was Richard Nixon. The theme: “Tall Tales and True.”
