
Heat Close to Matching Douglas Offer

Two days before the deadline for matching the Lakers’ offer, Billy Cunningham, co-owner of the Miami Heat, said the team was leaning toward keeping guard Sherman Douglas.

“If it was done at this moment, we’d re-sign Sherman,” Cunningham told the Miami Herald on Thursday.

“We’re focusing on one area, and we’ll see how it goes. It’s still not over, but Sherman Douglas is a good basketball player. I don’t think anyone would question that. And we’re not here to help the Lakers improve.”


The Lakers have signed Douglas, a restricted free agent, to a seven-year, $17-million offer sheet, with a clause in it that would make him a free agent after two seasons.

Douglas also has veto power over any deal the Heat would make this season, should it match the Laker offer and try to trade him.

NBA sources say the Heat has tried hard to trade Douglas but without success, to date.

The Heat must make its decision by Saturday night.
