
FULLERTON : 2 Named to Culture, Recreation Posts

Two longtime city employees will share the position of community services superintendent, city Recreation Director Susan Hunt has announced.

Kay Miller, a 15-year city employee, will oversee the department’s cultural and fine arts programs, including the Fullerton Museum Center and the Muckenthaler Cultural Center.

Jan Hobson, an 18-year employee, will head the recreation and human services programs.

Miller, 45, started her career with the city as a clerical employee, eventually becoming the Maintenance Services Department’s administrative secretary. She then became an administrative assistant for the city and later a senior analyst. She holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Cal State Long Beach.


Hobson, 36, was hired as a part-time employee in Community Services in 1973 and in 1980 was hired full-time as a department supervisor. She has a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Cal State Fullerton.
