
Controversy Over Status of Immigrant Drywall Workers in Strike

As I recall, the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) consisted of two sections, namely, the amnesty section, which had a specific time limit (five years, I believe) and the employer sanctions section, which had no time limit.

According to recent press reports, 88 out of 149 (over 50%) of the striking drywall hangers recently arrested have been identified by the INS as illegal aliens.

It may come as a surprise to illegal alien advocates, but as far as I am aware, the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is still in effect. The illegal aliens have invaded the sovereign borders of this country, without proper documentation and were hired by unscrupulous contractors attempting to take financial advantage of an unfortunate situation.


The illegals should be officially deported and employer sanctions should be enforced against the employers. Possibly we can recoup enough to at least cover the costs of law enforcement and the legal and judicial expenses incurred.

It’s time this country let the illegals and their advocates and unscrupulous employers know that illegal entry is not to be taken lightly any longer.


Santa Ana
