
Jury Not Unanimous in Cheerleader’s Case

“The court apparently considered this case to be trivial and did not take it seriously” (a quote from Bonnie K. Lawley, attorney for Melissa Fontes). Thank God! Congratulations to Judge (Robert) Gardner for using something completely lacking in our legal system--common sense. Did it ever occur (to anyone) that money spent to handle absurd cases, such as this cheerleading case, might be the reason that schools’ extracurricular activities are in jeopardy?

Although based on the greatest principles ever developed, our legal system has been perverted to the point where it is the laughingstock of the world. Unable to protect citizens from criminal aggressors, it has jeopardized our children’s future in this country and more specifically this state. It has put a death grip in the public and private sectors through our laborious court system.

Private business is driven out by decisions like the ones that will not allow women’s gymnasiums to operate. Organizations such as Boy Scouts are handcuffed to prevent their basic rights, and public agencies can no longer deliver services because of cases such as this cheerleading farce.



