
College District Finances Argue Against Faculty Pay Hike Now

I am alarmed to see the deceptive materials developed by some of my colleagues in the Saddleback Community College District--specifically, a recent document from the Orange County Citizens for Quality Education, composed primarily of a few union faculty members, soliciting large donations to support candidates challenging our current Board of Trustees.

Recently, this organization disseminated a Fact Sheet outlining the need to unseat incumbents. The mailer strongly implied that a cash contribution and a vote for union-backed candidates would guarantee each instructor a “pay back” generated by a 5% raise.

Even though I am a faculty and California Teachers Assn. member, I am appalled at the tactics of the Orange County Citizens for Quality Education. The growing state deficit and the current recession, which have adversely affected the district’s revenue, make a 5% guaranteed pay raise fiscally irresponsible.


Personally, I support the manner in which the incumbents have managed the budget in a time of fiscal crisis and believe that their reelection is in the best interest of our district and the community it serves.


Member, Budget Committee

Saddleback Community College District
