
Pros, Cons of Prop. AA in West Hollywood

As a member of the West Hollywood City Council, I have not joined my colleagues in opposing Proposition AA. I perceive that my most effective role is to point out the facts as I see them, helping residents cast an informed ballot.

The biggest problem associated with the creation of our own police force is the potential for an increase in cost. Opposing sides make conflicting claims, but my gut instincts tell me that we are looking at an additional $1 million to $2 million per year for our own police department. If the cost proves to be much higher than an additional $1 million, we could be forced to raised taxes and cut vital services. As it is, we are struggling to locate cuts and revenue increases to cover this year’s $500,000 hit from the state.

I believe our own police department could provide a level of service comparable to the sheriff’s and would be much more sensitive to the community’s needs. My instincts tell me this could be done without a massive increase in cost to the taxpayers. Voters should weigh the advantage of a more community-oriented police force against the possibility of increased costs, and decide for themselves.


Council member, West Hollywood
