
In Support of the Grove

Catherine Curley is woefully misinformed on a number of matters regarding GroveShakespeare. However, her letter (“The Theater Behind the Theater at the Grove,” Dec. 26) was assured of publication by its adherence to The Times’ continuing policy of negative press where the Grove is concerned. Keep in mind that I am not simply a Grove partisan--I spoke against Tom Bradac’s firing in front of the Grove board and signed a letter condemning the board’s action in forcing Tom out. My feelings on this matter have not changed. However, I think that Tom, with the inaugural season of Shakespeare Orange County, has shown the world that he has no intention of disappearing. He has even been gracious enough to wish the Grove well on several occasions--why is it so hard for The Times to do the same?

No, Ms. Curley, the staff is not “dispirited,” the last season (which included the acclaimed “Long Day’s Journey Into Night”) was not “dismal,” and if anyone is “hoist on (her) own petard” it may be you for writing a letter without knowing what you’re talking about.


Garden Grove
