
WEST HILLS : Israeli Flag Flies High With Preschoolers

Harold F. Caminker was a rabbinical student in Israel when a tailor, a survivor of Auschwitz, made him a gift of a handmade Israeli flag--and extracted from him a promise in return.

Twenty years later, Caminker is still fulfilling that promise: to use the flag to lead marches of American Jewish children on Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel’s independence day.

Caminker, who became the new rabbi of Temple Solael in West Hills this year, carefully explained the story of his flag to a group of about 50 squirming preschoolers Monday before leading them in a parade through the parking lot and across the street to mark the 45th anniversary of the founding of Israel.


“Boys and girls, I’m glad to share this story with you,” he said, as several teachers tried to hush the group. “I hope you understood half of it,” he added in an undertone.

Each year, the private religious school plans events around the April 26 independence day, said Jan Symon, preschool director. This year, the children made paper flags to wave in the parade and made frosted cookies and cakes.

Symon said the aim is to develop an early consciousness of Jewish culture in children and build their self-esteem.


“At this age, you never know what goes in,” Caminker said. “But this childhood association with the blue and white will last a lifetime.”
