
Clinton’s First 100 Days in Office

I don’t understand how your list of Clinton’s broken campaign promises could not include the promise not to raise taxes on the middle class (April 29). Clearly this broken promise has the most significant effect on people’s lives and is separate from his abandoned pledge for a middle-class tax cut.

I vividly remember Clinton’s righteous indignation during the campaign when the Republicans asserted that his numbers didn’t add up and that taxes on everyone would have to be raised. I can still hear Clinton saying over and over: “I will not raise taxes on the middle class to pay for these programs. If necessary we will cut spending but I will not raise taxes on the middle class.”

The media never ceased to remind us that George Bush broke his no new taxes pledge (forgetting to mention the new taxes were initiated by congressional Democrats and in return Bush secured a cap on future spending).


Your deficient list of broken promises is more evidence of the media’s deliberate downplaying on this liberal Democrat’s incredible betrayal of the American people.


La Mesa
