
Latinos Weighing Boycott Over Racist Poem : Protest: Statewide group may oppose home purchases in the Antelope Valley district of assemblyman who distributed the verses.


The statewide Mexican-American Political Assn. may call for a Latino boycott of Antelope Valley home purchases in response to the distribution last month by the area’s assemblyman, William J. (Pete) Knight (R-Palmdale), of a poem that ridiculed illegal Mexican immigrants.

But some Latino leaders in the Antelope Valley believe that such a move may do more harm than good.

Richard Loa, spokesman for the newly founded Latinos for Social Justice, said many Latinos benefit from growth in the Antelope Valley, such as construction workers and building material suppliers. Furthermore, he said, the area’s affordable housing gives Latinos an opportunity to own better homes than those they could afford in the Los Angeles basin.


“We want to be responsible in our actions that affect this community,” Loa said. “We want to be responsible in any actions we take. We are a part of this community.”

Enrique Vela, a Los Angeles-based organizer for MAPA who described Knight’s action as “nothing short of insulting,” said he will present the idea for the boycott at a meeting Saturday in San Francisco of the MAPA board of directors. Directors include MAPA’s elected executive board and representatives from the eight state regions.

“To me, life is real simple. . . . If people don’t want you around you leave, right?” Vela said.


Ben Benavidez, MAPA president, said the 10,000-member organization has found actions that affect people economically, such as boycotts, to be the most successful in MAPA’s quests for equality for Latinos.

Benavidez said MAPA directors will probably accept Vela’s proposal and there may be other strategies adopted as well.

Latinos for Social Justice has not taken a position on a housing boycott, Loa said. It is considering a boycott against specific developers “because of their actions,” he said, refusing to provide more details.


Knight’s distribution of the poem “I Love America” to a private meeting of the Republican Assembly caucus set off a furor among Latinos in the Antelope Valley and throughout California and in the Legislature. Knight, a Republican and former Palmdale mayor, also represents much of the Santa Clarita Valley as part of his 36th District.

Knight has apologized for passing out the poem, which he said he received from a constituent. He met last month with Antelope Valley Latinos, who said that the two-hour gathering did little to satisfy their hope that Knight would show more sensitivity to minorities.

MAPA plans to attend a march for racial harmony that is being organized by Latinos for Social Justice. The organization has invited local elected officials, as well as prominent Latino leaders from outside the Antelope Valley to the June 19 event, Loa said, noting the local chapter of the National Assn. for the Advancement of Colored People may participate.
