
Monrovia : Mayor to Represent Cities

Mayor Bob Bartlett’s responsibilities no longer end at the Monrovia city limits--he was elected president of the League of California Cities at its annual October meeting and now represents all 470 cities in the state.

The first African-American to be elected league president, Bartlett plans to put more pressure on California legislators to stop proposing “anti-city” bills, such as the property tax shift from the cities to the state treasury.

“We have got to start talking to legislators before they come out with policies that are anti-city,” he said. “They are constantly trying to usurp local control.”


Bartlett, a salesman and the national accounts director for Viking Regional Carrier Group, a trucking firm, plans a “customer-service” approach to his new role.

Besides surveying all 470 cities to determine their needs, he also wants to set up an electronic mail system to allow mayors statewide to stay in contact via computer networks.

Bartlett, 53, has served on the City Council for 19 years, has been married 34 years and has lived in the Monrovia area all of his life.


“When I find something I like, I stick with it,” he said with a laugh.
