
Nut Houses

Nuts contain oils and thus can turn rancid. To preserve them for long periods of time, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place or freeze them for up to a year. Raw, unshelled nuts will keep better. Toasting nuts brings out their rich flavor. Toast them on top of the stove in a nonstick skillet, tossing them around until they turn golden brown, or place them in a single layer on a nonstick baking sheet and bake them at 350 degrees 3 to 5 minutes, stirring often and watching carefully so they don’t burn.

Here is a list of mail-order sources for nuts:

* Fiddyment Farms: 5000 Fiddyment Road, Roseville, Calif. 95747. (916) 771-0800 or (800) 859-4038. Pistachio butter and specialty products.

* Nunes Farms: P.O. Box 311, Newman, Calif. 95360. (209) 862-3033. Almond candy, also bulk almonds and pistachios.


* Cooper’s Nut House: 1378 Willow Glen Road, Fallbrook, Calif. 92028. (619) 728-6407. Macadamia nuts and nut specialties.

* Macadamia Products: 205 Calle Linda, Fallbrook, Calif. 92028. (619) 728-8081. Macadamia nuts and nut specialties.
