
Slice of Life

Marty Kirschen and his son Phillip were sitting around watching infomercials one day when on came the food dehydrator. Like millions of other Americans, Kirschen was moved to pick up the phone and order one. Unlike the others, he actually figured out something to do with it.

Kirschen makes a line of jewelry pins/refrigerator magnets (they can be either) from dried slices of fruits and vegetables. What could be more stunning than a lapel pin made from a jewel-like slice of orange, or from a lacquered-looking tomato top? (Of course, doubters may claim you look like you were standing too close when the garbage disposal exploded.) Kirschen also makes vegetable potpourri and carnations from onions.

Jewelry from $3 to $12 at Earthen Art Works, 7962 Melrose Ave., and occasionally at the Hollywood Sunday farmers market.
