
Sen. Bob Packwood

* On May 18 you ran an editorial on Sen. Bob Packwood (R-Ore.), concerning the Senate’s sexual harassment probe of his past conduct. You correctly state, “He has been convicted of nothing and should have an opportunity to clear his reputation.” You then state that Packwood should “save the Senate the trouble” of holding hearings, and you call on him to “resign.” So much for innocent until proven guilty!

Last year President Clinton was sued by a woman over sexual harassment, her claim being that Clinton tried to force her to perform oral sex on him. Your position then was such suits were a form of political harassment, and that the President should be allowed to complete his service and then deal with the lawsuit. In addition to this lawsuit, there have been numerous other charges against President Clinton concerning sexual misconduct.

Obviously, you have a double standard. The only difference I can see is that Packwood is a Republican. Please give us some insight into your flip-flop on two such similar situations.



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