
SIMI VALLEY : New Workshop for Disabled to Open

More than 100 local business leaders and members of the public are expected tonight at an inauguration of a new workshop in Simi Valley for ARC--the Assn. of Retarded Citizens.

The group is hoping to expand its program, which employs local residents with developmental disabilities.

The new workshop on Cochran Street will replace a smaller site off Los Angeles Avenue that has been used for years, said Georgia Dennehey, director of development for ARC.


The group employs about 70 disabled workers in Simi Valley who perform such tasks as boxing medical supplies for first aid kits and photocopying material for the local school district.

The workshop is at capacity and ARC hopes that by opening a larger facility it will be able to employ more local disabled workers, Dennehey said.

The group has raised about $16,000 of the $88,000 it estimates it will need to renovate the warehouse space, she said.


Tonight’s meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the new workshop at 743 Cochran St. Refreshments and child care will be provided. For information, call 482-9831.
