
Parents of Wandering Tot Face Endangerment Charges

All five children of a couple whose toddler daughter wandered away from home were taken into protective custody Wednesday, amid the prospect of the filing of child endangerment charges against the parents.

The girl, her twin sister and their brothers, ages 5, 6 and 8, were placed in the custody of the Department of Children and Family Services, said Los Angeles police Detective Andy Monsue.

The parents were not arrested, Monsue said, but police planned to ask the Los Angeles city attorney’s office to file child endangerment charges against the mother and father. Police withheld the names of the children and the parents.


The 20-month-old girl was found wandering in the 10000 block of Tujunga Boulevard about 8 p.m. Tuesday, said LAPD Lt. Joe Hiltner.

“Officers on patrol were flagged down and told by a motorist that a baby was walking in the street,” Hiltner said. “They found the child walking, [and wearing] only soiled diapers.”
