
L.A. SPEAK : Lifters’ Lingo

ate the iron v.: failed on a lift.

cobra n.: a person with a wide, muscular back that narrows down to a thin waist.

deads n.: dead lifts.

dime n.: a 10-pound plate. “Throw a dime on each side, will ya?” Related terms: nickel, five pounds, and quarter, 25 pounds.

freaky adj.: when muscles have size and definition to an abnormal--and thus highly desirable--degree. “Forget the ‘big enough for football’ stuff, man. I want to be freaky big!”

guns n. arms.: “You’ve got an awesome set of guns there, my man.” Syn: pythons.

hard gainer n.: someone with a body type that doesn’t gain mass easily. “Don’s a hard gainer. He gets stronger, but he never gets any bigger.”


juice n.: steroids. Syn: vitamin S, wonder water. Related term: juicer: person who uses steroids.

meathead n.: a person who thinks only about lifting, getting big and eating.

pork chop n.: an overweight person.

pumped adj.: when muscles become engorged with blood and therefore appear large and impressive.

ripped adj.: having splendid muscular definition, with very low body fat. “You’re going to have to get more ripped if you’re serious about competing.” Syn: buff, cut.


‘roid rage v.: berserk state caused by steroids. “I wouldn’t go near Mike today; he’s in a total ‘roid rage.”

‘roid monster n.: a very big guy who uses steroids. “Tommy’s a real ‘roid monster.”
