
MOORPARK : Firm Wants to Use Funds for Public Art

Moorpark, one of the few cities in Ventura County to require developers to pay into an Art in Public Places Fund, has received its first request to use some of the money.

If approved, this would be the first time money from the fund will be used for artwork.

The requirement, adopted by the city in 1993, requires developers to pay $10 for each 100 square feet of building area or build a city-approved work of art, said Assistant City Manager Richard Hare.

Now G&S; Partnership, which developed two warehouses off New Los Angeles Avenue near the freeway interchange, wants to use the $40,000 it was required to pay into the fund for a stone and water sculpture to be erected in front of the property.


The site contains two huge buildings, one 253,780 square feet and another 152,000 square feet, that are used by a mail-order company.

“It’s the first time we’ve had this kind of request,” Hare said. “But we haven’t had the requirement for very long.”

Described as “hydroplaning stone with both exotic colors and natural textures,” the proposed sculpture would be built by Ventura artists Michele Chapin and Tom Porter.


The City Council is reviewing the proposal and will vote on the issue at its meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. today at Moorpark City Hall, 799 Moorpark Ave.
