
LAX Shuttle

Shhh. Here’s a secret: Despite the hollering to the contrary, the Green Line does serve LAX. As in many other cities with airport Metro stops, you can take a free shuttle every 10 minutes between the terminal and the rail station; $1.60, a Blue Line transfer and about an hour later, you are in Downtown L.A.

As such, it is amazing to me that a family member who flew in recently from Washington, and happily rode the rails to my office Downtown was the very first person who had ever asked the attendant at the LAX Ground Transportation desk how to catch the shuttle to the Green Line. “No one knows even knows about the shuttle,” he told her.

Anything that gets me to LAX fast, cheaply and with no worries about parking or van services holds a special place in my heart. Just don’t tell anyone about it.



Los Angeles
