
Letter Writer Sits in His Ivory Tower

* Neil Demers Grey has again failed to get his facts straight before he writes one of his self-righteous letters to the editor.

I decided that the Clothesline Project, which consists of T-shirts with various messages from crime victims, including some too obscene to describe, would not be part of the District Attorney’s Victims’ Rights Week program. NOW, the project’s sponsor, was free to exhibit their T-shirts at the county offices on their own if they wished (and they did).

Mr. Neil Demers Grey speaks of “making violence pretty”; but I don’t recall seeing him at any murder scenes over the past 28 years; nor has he been there to witness the pain and emotional trauma of sexual assault, domestic violence and other crime victims when they come to us for help. In short, Mr. Neil Demers Grey, sitting in his ivory tower, doesn’t know what violent crime looks like.


His suggestion that we don’t want victims’ voices heard demeans the dedicated people in this office who have worked tirelessly to ease the pain of crime victims for much longer than Mr. Neil Demers Grey has been on the scene. Until he knows what he’s talking about, he has little to add to this debate.


District attorney

