
YMCA Welcomes Every Resident

I think that the YMCA has a friend in Jim Woodard, whose letter questioning how visible our financial assistance is was recently published in your newspaper. I had a pleasant conversation with him about his concerns, and although he was quite mistaken, I believe that he has good intentions. I pointed out to him that for years there has been a black and white Formica sign with 1 1/2-inch letters at eye level directly inside our front door, which reads: Financial Assistance Available. I have sent him several of our most prominent brochures, each of which contains similar language.

This branch of the YMCA alone has approximately 500 memberships with financial assistance. They include group homes for various purposes, and individuals who just can’t afford the costs. In 1995, among all types of memberships, the Y conducted 2,421 swimming lesson programs for youth, 763 parent-infant swimming classes, and 280 adult swimming lessons. The average daily child care activity was 92. Day and other camper weeks totaled 894; parent-child “Y-Guides” programs numbered 166.

During the past 10 years, it seems safe to say that approximately 15,000 to 20,000 swimming lessons have been given at the Ventura YMCA. It is clear that thousands of children in the community, from Fillmore, Camarillo, Oxnard, to Ojai and beyond have learned how to swim here. In a county with 40 miles of coastline, that is necessary from a safety standpoint alone. The involvement of the entire family has a value that is beyond statistics.


Mr. Woodard indicates that he was merely repeating what certain persons had told him about their experience, and allows that it is possible that his sources were mistaken. I thank him for raising the issue. We always accept constructive criticism, but in this case it seems unwarranted. His larger message, that there should be programs available in the community and in other organizations for those unable to afford them, is very true. The YMCA and its supporters are pleased to be a part of that solution.

I would like to personally invite him to have a tour of the YMCA facility, where he may see for himself that everyone is welcome here. Who knows? Perhaps we might convince him to become one of our many volunteers.


Member, YMCA Board of Directors

