
Happy Camp Park Should Be Preserved

I was watching television recently and stopped to listen to the broadcast of the Moorpark City Council meeting from the previous night. To my thrilled astonishment, there was someone speaking soundly and intelligently for the people of Moorpark, Dr. Rosanne Mikos. I though to myself, well, they have to take this seriously!

However, my excitement was a little short-lived. As soon as Dr. Mikos finished speaking, the well-known attack and patronizing-of-the-speaker began. What do we have to do to get our City Council and Planning Commission to listen to us?

I live near Happy Camp Regional Park and see close up the balanced ecological environment that exists there. There is an abundance of wildlife living in peaceful cohabitation with us simply because they have their own habitat.


The Hidden Creek project would forever destroy that habitat. The prey are bound to be the first to perish, and then where are the coyotes and other predators to go? Into our neighborhoods, of course.

Why does our City Council wish to turn Moorpark into another San Fernando Valley? When are they going to realize that many of the citizens of Moorpark moved here to escape the urban sprawl of places like the S.F.V.?

I was so impressed with Dr. Mikos after hearing her on television that I tracked her down and called her. I asked why the City Council doesn’t listen to us. She said that they don’t believe we exist. Not enough people show up at meetings, so the council is not forced to take her seriously.


So here I am, and here is my plea to my neighbors: Don’t let this destruction of natural habitat happen in Moorpark. Go to the City Council meetings. Speak out if you will, or just be there to show your support. We can make a difference--but we have to step forward to do so.


