
The Decline of O’Melveny Park

O’Melveny Park, on the northern edge of Granada Hills, is the second-largest park in the city; part lawns, part wilderness. Until 1992, it was a marvelous place loved by many. Corporations rented the lawn areas for weekends and spent up to $60,000 for festivities.

In 1992, floods came down the creek and caused damages to adjacent facilities. The park was closed, and it’s still closed. In addition, maintenance is minimal. Expensive and unusual trees have been allowed to die from lack of water. Dead grass, tall weeds, broken sprinklers and abandoned picnic tables are commonplace.

A few local residents grumble about the state of affairs and trespass. Little local pressure is put on Hal Bernson, the councilman, or the park department to put the park back into operation.


Would the people in hillside towns stretching from Studio City to Woodland Hills allow such a park to stay closed and in ruin? Those I’ve talked to say “no,” that local council members and the park department would be forced to do better.

We will be fortunate if O’Melveny Park isn’t allowed to totally fall apart, declared surplus city property and then sold to developers.

Having been the on-site manager of O’Melveny Park before closure, I still like the park and regret the poor treatment it is receiving from all concerned.



Granada Hills
